How the foodbank works
Food is donated
The main way that food is donated is though ‘Collection points’ where bins are placed at either public places or in businesses, schools, churches, clubs etc and food is brought-in by people. At the moment our main collection point is in the Eroski Supermarket at Winston Churchill Avenue.
Download a "shopping list" of the food that is typically donated here.
All food given out by The Open Hands Trust is donated.
Food is sorted and stored
Once collected, the food is sorted by volunteers who check it’s in date and pack it into parcels ready to be given to people in need.
Frontline professionals identify people in need
Care workers such as doctors, health visitors, social workers, Citizens Advice Bureau staff, welfare officers, the police, probation officers and clergy amongst others identify people in crisis and refer them to The Open Hands Trust.
Clients receive food
Our Foodbank Service Users obtain around three days’ supply of emergency food. On a second referral, Volunteers may meet clients over a cup of tea in order to signpost people to agencies able to solve any longer-term challenges , should this be necessary.